Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery: ‘Missing’ postcard from World War One
Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery: Flintlock Sporting Gun
Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery: Flintlock Sporting Gun - detail
Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery: Brown Bess flintlock Musket, circa 1790.
Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery: Brown Bess flintlock Musket, circa 1790 - detail.
Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery: Relic of Birmingham Priory
Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery: Relic of Birmingham Priory
Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery: North American Doll - back.
Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery: North American Doll - front
Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery: BSA Motorcycle - detail
Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery: BSA Motorcycle - detail
Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery: BSA Motorcycle - detail
Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery: BSA Motorcycle - detail
Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery: Birmingham Stocks from Moor Street Police Station 1980F72
Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery: Image of Mini on Beer Mat 2004.1222.1
Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery: Image of Mini on Beer Mat 2004.1222.1
Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery: Second World War Gas Mask for Children 1981F97
Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery: Second World War Gas Mask for Children 1981F97
Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery: Box for Pen Nibs 1972F309
Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery: Box for Pen Nibs 1972F309
Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery: Bone chess piece from Weoley Castle 2000A2.19.140
Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery: Bone chess piece from Weoley Castle 2000A2.19.140
Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery: Palaeolithic Handaxe1965 A493
Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery: Palaeolithic Handaxe 1965A493
Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery: Deritend pottery 1961A17
Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery: Deritend pottery 1961A17
Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery: Pottery Sherd 2007.0645.10
Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery: Pottery Sherds 2007.0645.13-12-11-10
Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery: Clay Pipe 2007.0648.18.3