Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery: Large Numbers Turn Out to See the Staffordshire Hoard
Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery: Great Interest in the Staffordshire Hoard Artefacts on Display at Birmingham Museum & Art Gallery
Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery: Queue to see Staffordshire Hoard at Birmingham Museum & Art Gallery
Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery: Queue in Birmingham Museum & Art Gallery's Round Room to see the Staffordshire Hoard
Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery: Crowds Gather to See the Staffordshire Hoard
Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery: Media Interest in the Staffordshire Hoard Continues
Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery: Finding Out More about the Anglo-Saxon Treasure
Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery: Finding Out More about the Anglo-Saxon Treasure
Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery: Viewing the Artefacts
Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery: Viewing the Artefacts
Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery: Viewing the Artefacts
Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery: Viewing the Artefacts
Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery: Viewing the Artefacts
Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery: Viewing the Artefacts
Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery: Viewing the Artefacts
Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery: The Wait to See the Shropshire Hoard
Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery: The Queue is Worth the Wait!