birel101 (jay): Lilstock B&W
birel101 (jay): Clevedon Pier
birel101 (jay): View From Cadbury Castle
birel101 (jay): DSC_2518
birel101 (jay): Stolford defence
birel101 (jay): DSC_2182
birel101 (jay): Valley Of The Rocks
birel101 (jay): Merry Christmas
birel101 (jay): Ta Ta For Now
birel101 (jay): Little house in the big country.
birel101 (jay): Reflecting.
birel101 (jay): DSC_0332
birel101 (jay): A Cornish scene in Somerset.
birel101 (jay): Sunny Tor
birel101 (jay): Big Foot
birel101 (jay): Condorman
birel101 (jay): We Got The Gold harharhar
birel101 (jay): DSC_9632
birel101 (jay): The Bigun
birel101 (jay): Miami storm at Lilstock
birel101 (jay): CONOR HARDIMAN
birel101 (jay): Leon Hilleard
birel101 (jay): DSC_8226
birel101 (jay): Silky Hinkley