Birdwatcher 1406(Bill Eaton): Last Splash of fall
Birdwatcher 1406(Bill Eaton): Tiger Swallowtail
Birdwatcher 1406(Bill Eaton): Tiger Swallowtail
Birdwatcher 1406(Bill Eaton): Colorado Columbine
Birdwatcher 1406(Bill Eaton): Fragrant Water Lilly
Birdwatcher 1406(Bill Eaton): Honey Bee on Button Bush
Birdwatcher 1406(Bill Eaton): Arrowhead with visitor
Birdwatcher 1406(Bill Eaton): American Bird Grasshopper
Birdwatcher 1406(Bill Eaton): Perhaps this should have been posted yesterday?
Birdwatcher 1406(Bill Eaton): Bathed in evening light.
Birdwatcher 1406(Bill Eaton): Eastern Pondhawk-Green on Green