The Black Azar: an early start to the day
The Black Azar: entrance gates
The Black Azar: god actors
The Black Azar: god costumes
The Black Azar: our contingent
The Black Azar: exciting
The Black Azar: one stop of many
The Black Azar: pondering or fixing?
The Black Azar: preparing the line
The Black Azar: mushroom cloud
The Black Azar: flying colours and a flag
The Black Azar: smoke gets in your eyes
The Black Azar: keep on truckin' through
The Black Azar: born to burn
The Black Azar: spirit fire
The Black Azar: temple hallway ceiling
The Black Azar: wooden prayers
The Black Azar: wooden prayers II
The Black Azar: now that's an offering
The Black Azar: all that's left
The Black Azar: spirit money in the offering
The Black Azar: stilt fu
The Black Azar: trying to get away
The Black Azar: resting gods
The Black Azar: group shot
The Black Azar: tiger CLAW
The Black Azar: almost at the end
The Black Azar: god group shot