The Black Azar: small town life
The Black Azar: my fellow travelers
The Black Azar: a bit of the flora
The Black Azar: sun and cloud
The Black Azar: mountain valley
The Black Azar: over the pass
The Black Azar: down the other side
The Black Azar: campsite
The Black Azar: fuzzy friend
The Black Azar: landslide
The Black Azar: it's fall in peru!
The Black Azar: roadway marker
The Black Azar: building by hand
The Black Azar: more outstanding views
The Black Azar: cacti and flowers
The Black Azar: looking back
The Black Azar: living in the valley
The Black Azar: green bug
The Black Azar: waterfall
The Black Azar: the trail traveled
The Black Azar: long way to work
The Black Azar: our second campsite
The Black Azar: the impossible trail
The Black Azar: all swelled up with no place to go
The Black Azar: post-rain snow