The Black Azar: tapalqué, no longer a train stop
The Black Azar: la marguarita
The Black Azar: coming in the gates
The Black Azar: the house
The Black Azar: the house from the other side
The Black Azar: old implements for local colour
The Black Azar: taking a break
The Black Azar: winding down
The Black Azar: land of living skies, part ii
The Black Azar: pity it's not used for anything
The Black Azar: pushing clouds
The Black Azar: eucalyptus forest
The Black Azar: off to work
The Black Azar: pulling frenzy
The Black Azar: hard gaucho work
The Black Azar: these flowers looked gorgeous inside
The Black Azar: gaucho talk
The Black Azar: now with more relaxation
The Black Azar: a good squeeze
The Black Azar: area woman milks cow
The Black Azar: because i have to take a picture of everything
The Black Azar: los dueños
The Black Azar: bareback gaucho
The Black Azar: hammocks are the best way to relax
The Black Azar: the gaucho moves into this century
The Black Azar: riding the prairie
The Black Azar: the crew
The Black Azar: another publicity shot
The Black Azar: concentrate