it all started with a kingfisher:
Alcedo atthis | Common kingfisher | Eisvogel
it all started with a kingfisher:
Alcedo atthis | Common kingfisher | Eisvogel
it all started with a kingfisher:
Lake Chiemsee - 01/27/2017
it all started with a kingfisher:
Cygnus cygnus | Whooper swan | Singschwan
it all started with a kingfisher:
Cygnus cygnus | Whooper swan | Singschwan
it all started with a kingfisher:
Lake Chiemsee - 01/29/2017
it all started with a kingfisher:
Anser anser | Greylag goose | Graugans
it all started with a kingfisher:
Strix Aluco | Tawny Owl | Waldkauz
it all started with a kingfisher:
Strix Aluco | Tawny Owl | Waldkauz
it all started with a kingfisher:
Phalacrocorax carbo | Great cormorant | Kormoran
it all started with a kingfisher:
Ciconia ciconia | White stork | Weißstorch
it all started with a kingfisher:
Corvus corone | Carrion crow | Rabenkrähe
it all started with a kingfisher:
Strix Aluco | Tawny Owl | Waldkauz
it all started with a kingfisher:
Passer domesticus | House sparrow | Haussperling
it all started with a kingfisher:
Strix Aluco | Tawny Owl | Waldkauz
it all started with a kingfisher:
Strix Aluco | Tawny Owl | Waldkauz
it all started with a kingfisher:
Sitta europaea | Eurasian nuthatch | Kleiber
it all started with a kingfisher:
Strix Aluco | Tawny Owl | Waldkauz
it all started with a kingfisher:
Sturnus vulgaris | Common starling | Star
it all started with a kingfisher:
Strix Aluco | Tawny Owl | Waldkauz
it all started with a kingfisher:
Strix Aluco | Tawny Owl | Waldkauz
it all started with a kingfisher:
Strix Aluco | Tawny Owl | Waldkauz
it all started with a kingfisher:
Strix Aluco | Tawny Owl | Waldkauz
it all started with a kingfisher:
Cygnus olor | Mute swan | Höckerschwan
it all started with a kingfisher:
Strix Aluco | Tawny Owl | Waldkauz
it all started with a kingfisher:
Erithacus rubecula | European robin | Rotkehlchen
it all started with a kingfisher:
Fulica atra | Eurasian coot | Blässhuhn
it all started with a kingfisher:
Fulica atra | Eurasian coot | Blässhuhn
it all started with a kingfisher:
Anas platyrhynchos | Mallard | Stockente
it all started with a kingfisher:
Strix Aluco | Tawny Owl | Waldkauz