Birds&More: Great Horned Owl
Birds&More: Great Horned Owl
Birds&More: Great Horned Owl
Birds&More: Barn Owl in Flight 3 of 3
Birds&More: Barn Owl in Flight 2 of 3
Birds&More: Barn Owl in Flight 1 of 3
Birds&More: Barn Owl Coming in for a Landing. Found this one while going through my old files.
Birds&More: Just for Fun!
Birds&More: Barred Owl
Birds&More: Barn Owl
Birds&More: Barn Owl
Birds&More: Barn Owl
Birds&More: Barn Owl
Birds&More: Barred Owl
Birds&More: Barn Owl
Birds&More: Great Horned Owl
Birds&More: Eastern Screech-Owl (rufous morph)
Birds&More: Eastern Screech Owl
Birds&More: Great Horned Owl Family
Birds&More: Great Horned Owl
Birds&More: Great Horned Owl on Nest TCS2010
Birds&More: Great Horned Owl Flying Away
Birds&More: Great Horned Owl with Head Turned
Birds&More: Great Horned Owl on Branch
Birds&More: Dried Misc Flowers on Light Table