Birds&More: Tassel-eared Squirrel 3
Birds&More: Tassel-eared Squirrel 2
Birds&More: Tassel-eared Squirrel 1
Birds&More: Yellow-eyed Junco
Birds&More: Yellow-eyed Junco
Birds&More: Mexcian Jay (series of 3 photos)
Birds&More: Mexcian Jay (series of 3 photos)
Birds&More: Mexcian Jay (series of 3 photos)
Birds&More: Harris Hawk
Birds&More: Crested Caracara (Juvenile)
Birds&More: Spotted Towhee (2 or 2)
Birds&More: Spotted Towhee (1 of 2)
Birds&More: Acorn Woodpecker
Birds&More: Acorn Woodpecker
Birds&More: Spiny-tailed Iguana
Birds&More: Stellar Jay
Birds&More: Barn Owl Coming in for a Landing. Found this one while going through my old files.
Birds&More: Vermillion Flycatcher 3 of 3
Birds&More: Vermillion Flycatcher 2 of 3
Birds&More: Vermillion Flycatcher 1 of 3
Birds&More: Black-bellied Whistling Duck
Birds&More: Black-bellied Whistling Duck
Birds&More: White-winged Dove
Birds&More: Great Horned Owl
Birds&More: Great Horned Owl
Birds&More: Great Horned Owl
Birds&More: Pink Cattleheart Butterfly
Birds&More: Pink Cattleheart Butterfly
Birds&More: Crested Caracara
Birds&More: Crested Caracara