Birds&More: Great Horned Owl on Nest TCS2010
Birds&More: Mexican Jay TCS2010
Birds&More: Close up Aberts Towhee TCS2010
Birds&More: Zoom Male Pyrrhuloxia TCS2010
Birds&More: zoom female Pyrrhuloxia TCS2010
Birds&More: Cardinal TCS2010
Birds&More: Turkey Raiding Bird Feeder TCS2010
Birds&More: Lesser Goldfinch TCS2010
Birds&More: Curved Billed Thrasher 3 TCS2010
Birds&More: Acorn Woodpecker on Suet Feeder TCS2010
Birds&More: Acorn Woodpecker with Holes on House TCS2010
Birds&More: Harris Hawk in Flight TCS2010
Birds&More: Close up of Harris Hawk Flying TCS2010
Birds&More: Rufous Wing Sparrow TCS2010
Birds&More: Lincoln Sparrow TCS2010
Birds&More: Ferruginous Hawk TCS2010
Birds&More: White Wing Dove TCS2010
Birds&More: Great Horned Owl Flying Away
Birds&More: Chihuahuan Raven Flying around a Cactus
Birds&More: Cactus Wren at Desert Museum
Birds&More: Road Runner Running
Birds&More: Inca Dove
Birds&More: Gambel's Quail in a Tree
Birds&More: Male Gambel's Quail Walking on Sidewalk
Birds&More: Three Gambel's Quail on Ledge
Birds&More: Gila Woodpecker on Hummingbird Feeder 3
Birds&More: Gila Woodpecker on Hummingbird Feeder 2
Birds&More: Ground Squirrel after Orange 2
Birds&More: Ground Squirrel after Orange
Birds&More: Coot Splashing Across Water