Birds and Bugs: Germander Speedwell - Veronica chamaedrys
Birds and Bugs: May Blossom - Crataegus monogyna
Birds and Bugs: Field Forgetmenot - Myosotis arvensis
Birds and Bugs: Birdsfoot Trefoil - Lotus corniculatus
Birds and Bugs: Common Broomrape - Orobanche minor
Birds and Bugs: Bladder Campion - Silene vulgaris
Birds and Bugs: Greater Bladderwort - Utricularia vulgaris
Birds and Bugs: HareBell - Campanula rotundifolia
Birds and Bugs: Rest Harrow - Ononis repens
Birds and Bugs: Wild Strawberry - Fragaria vesca
Birds and Bugs: Sainfoin - Onobrychis viciifolia
Birds and Bugs: Field Scabious - Knautia arvensis
Birds and Bugs: Southern Marsh Orchid - Dactylorhiza praetermissa
Birds and Bugs: Greater Knapweed - Centaurea scabiosa
Birds and Bugs: Wild Parsnip - Pastinaca sativa
Birds and Bugs: Lady's Bedstraw - Galium verum
Birds and Bugs: Agrimony - Agrimonia eupatoria
Birds and Bugs: Bee Orchid - Ophrys apifera
Birds and Bugs: Pyramidal Orchid - Anacamptis pyramidalis
Birds and Bugs: Ragged Robin - Lychnis flos-cuculi
Birds and Bugs: Yellow Flag - Yellow Iris - Iris pseudacorus
Birds and Bugs: White Bryony - Bryonia dioica
Birds and Bugs: Scarlet Pimpernel - Anagallis arvensis
Birds and Bugs: Dovesfoot Cranesbill - Geranium molle
Birds and Bugs: Common Cornsalad - Valerianella locusta
Birds and Bugs: Field Bindweed - Convolvulus arvensis
Birds and Bugs: Early Marsh Orchid - Dactylorhiza incarnata
Birds and Bugs: Nettle-leaved Bellflower - Campanula trachelium
Birds and Bugs: Musk Mallow - Malva moschata
Birds and Bugs: Common Centaury - Centaurium erythraea