timleeuw: The Young Ones
WernerKrause: Eurasian Eagle-Owl
renato ponzillo: Happy family !
Stephen G Nelson: Lesser Goldfinches
francoise.oros: Tantale ibis
Nina_Ali: House Sparrow in monochrome!
scandan780: Royal Tern
jillyspoon: Oh Jays
walterjeffords: Snowy Egret and Great Egret
Dale Ayres: Long-taild Tit ( Aegithalos caudatus rosaceeus )
philippeoros: Tarier Pâtre
cliveswildshots: Blue Tit,UK.
dave harrison143: Black redstart/male.
Miss-Louly (Thanks for the 2,4 millions views): Le roi de l'étang 😉... (à voir en grand > touche L)
John S D: Landing
walterjeffords: Great Egret
marcbenezech: sanderling .
andriot.jac: Sur les starting-blocks ...
WernerKrause: Guira Cuckoo
CHAM BT: Renard - Fox - Fuchs
RJSchutDigitaal: Baardmannetje - Bearded Reedling - Bartmeise - Panure à moustaches - Panurus biarmicus
andriot.jac: Alcedo Atthis. Martin pêcheur européen
John S D: Jackdaw
Dale Ayres: Brambling ( Fringilla montifringilla ) Male
Kitty Kono: American Tree Sparrow in the Sticks
Jim Zenock: 204A2726_DxO