Dino7250: More to come....
Dino7250: Dinner is served
Dino7250: Menacing
Dino7250: Incoming
Dino7250: Guillemot flying by
Dino7250: Nice day for a swim
Dino7250: You talking to me..?
Dino7250: Resting
Dino7250: Off to feed
Dino7250: Incoming (2)
Dino7250: That should do....
Dino7250: Bouquet..?
Dino7250: Gissa Kiss!
Dino7250: Excuse me...
Dino7250: Nice catch; now...where's the burrow?
Dino7250: Off I go (2)
Dino7250: Off I go
Dino7250: Harassment
Dino7250: Hurry!