Dino7250: A good day to fly... EXPLORED 03/03/12, no 279
Dino7250: Peek-a-Boo EXPLORED 29/02/12, no 384
Dino7250: This pond ain't big enough for the both of us! EXPLORED 27/02/2012 no 242
Dino7250: Good morning!
Dino7250: I'm still here (EXPLORED 340/500 27/01/12)
Dino7250: Early morning glory EXPLORED 29 July no 487 (p 49)
Dino7250: Study in Blue (Explored but dropped before I could find it!)
Dino7250: Quick getaway
Dino7250: Serene (EXPLORED 01/10/12, no115)
Dino7250: Waiting my turn
Dino7250: Testing the water
Dino7250: Re-building (2)
Dino7250: Tchak tchak tchak (2)
Dino7250: Unexpected (2)
Dino7250: Mr & Mrs Mandarin
Dino7250: Good morning!
Dino7250: Got to run....
Dino7250: Pole dancing
Dino7250: On the move
Dino7250: Brunch (EXPLORE 8th Dec no 129)
Dino7250: Off I go
Dino7250: Yummy
Dino7250: Happy New Year (Explored)
Dino7250: A bright moment ..... (1) (Explore no 405, 4th Jan)
Dino7250: Coming out for a look... (Explored 7th Jan no 141)
Dino7250: Rock-hopping (Explored 14th Jan)
Dino7250: After you, old chap....(Explore 18/03/13)
Dino7250: Very ambitious.... (Explored, 19th March)
Dino7250: Welcome visitor 2 - a shy one
Dino7250: On Reflection.... (Explored 18th May no 25)