MatthewBenson: Ampersand
MatthewBenson: Lakes Region from Seward
MatthewBenson: Going Up Seward
MatthewBenson: High Peaks from Loj Road
MatthewBenson: High Peaks from Loj Road
MatthewBenson: Marcy from Loj Road
MatthewBenson: Lake Placid
MatthewBenson: Sewards from Loj Road
MatthewBenson: McIntyre Range
MatthewBenson: Indian Pass
MatthewBenson: High Peaks from Loj Road
MatthewBenson: High Peaks from Loj Road
MatthewBenson: Cascade & Porter
MatthewBenson: South Meadow
MatthewBenson: From ADK Loj Road
MatthewBenson: The MacIntyre Range
MatthewBenson: Marcy Dam & Mt. Colden
MatthewBenson: East side of Mt. Colden
MatthewBenson: Mt. Marcy
MatthewBenson: Allen Mtn.
MatthewBenson: Algonquin
MatthewBenson: The MacIntyre Range
MatthewBenson: Algonquin
MatthewBenson: Mt. Colden
MatthewBenson: From Marcy Dam
MatthewBenson: Heart Lake from the Loj
MatthewBenson: Whiteface from Ester
MatthewBenson: Whiteface
MatthewBenson: Algonquin