Birdernaturalist: Pacific Treefrog
Birdernaturalist: Wandering Garter Snake
Birdernaturalist: Wandering Garter Snake
Birdernaturalist: Common Racer
Birdernaturalist: Northwestern Garter Snake
Birdernaturalist: Pacific Treefrog
Birdernaturalist: Forest Sharp-tailed Snake
Birdernaturalist: Forest Sharp-tailed Snake, 2 color morphs
Birdernaturalist: Forest Sharp-tailed Snake, 2 color morphs
Birdernaturalist: belly of Tulare Co. Common Sharp-tailed Snake
Birdernaturalist: bellies of 2 Forest Sharp-tailed Snakes
Birdernaturalist: head of Forest Sharp-tailed Snake
Birdernaturalist: undertail of Forest Sharp-tailed Snake-2
Birdernaturalist: undertail of Forest Sharp-tailed Snake
Birdernaturalist: Sharon and Gopher Snake
Birdernaturalist: Gopher Snake
Birdernaturalist: Gopher Snake
Birdernaturalist: Ring-necked Snake
Birdernaturalist: Ring-necked Snake
Birdernaturalist: Northwestern Garter Snake
Birdernaturalist: Northwestern Garter Snake
Birdernaturalist: Red-spotted Garter Snake
Birdernaturalist: Red-spotted Garter Snake
Birdernaturalist: Desert Horned Lizard
Birdernaturalist: Desert Horned Lizard
Birdernaturalist: Desert Horned Lizard
Birdernaturalist: Wandering Garter Snake
Birdernaturalist: Wandering Garter Snake
Birdernaturalist: Wandering Garter Snake
Birdernaturalist: Pacific Tree Frog