käptncook: I can still see you son - and I DID tell you not to swim out too far!
käptncook: Harlequin Crab
käptncook: Ribbon Eel
käptncook: Snowflake Moray Eel
käptncook: Yellow-edged Moray
käptncook: Dark companion
käptncook: Head ahead...
käptncook: Under attack
käptncook: Climbing hills again
käptncook: Wandering on an ocean of blue balloons
käptncook: Squaty
käptncook: Speedster
käptncook: Little Hermit
käptncook: Warty
käptncook: Big eye
käptncook: Diagonal
käptncook: Cheesecake with icing
käptncook: Watching the sunset
käptncook: White eye
käptncook: Say aaaaaah
käptncook: The crowd
käptncook: Hanging leafy
käptncook: Colourful Camouflage
käptncook: Hanging in the blue
käptncook: Welcome to my home
käptncook: Spine-Cheek
käptncook: Yellow Eyes
käptncook: Buffalo
käptncook: Teeth