käptncook: Nudibranch (Chromodoris splendida) at the Leap
käptncook: Nudibranch (Ceratosoma amoenum) at Bare Island
käptncook: Nudibranch (pteraeolidia ianthina)
käptncook: Nudibranch (Jorunna sp.)
käptncook: Tiny Nudibranch (pteraeolidia ianthina)
käptncook: Blue dragon (pteraeolidia ianthina)
käptncook: Caught in the act
käptncook: nudibranch - Dendrodoris denisoni?
käptncook: Funny spikes (Polycera capensis)
käptncook: Chromodoris splendida
käptncook: Mating Ceratosoma amoena with egg spiral
käptncook: Exploring the world
käptncook: Finally back in the water!
käptncook: On the summit!
käptncook: Gravity is overrated
käptncook: Foot reflex zone massage
käptncook: Someone stop that surge!
käptncook: Base jump
käptncook: Peron's pleurobranchus
käptncook: Aplysia juliana??
käptncook: Full speed ahead
käptncook: Lens stack practice...
käptncook: A spot in the sun
käptncook: Phyllidiella pustulosa?
käptncook: Beautiful Flabellina
käptncook: Lemon Tart
käptncook: Sydney dancer...
käptncook: Climbing hills again
käptncook: Under attack
käptncook: Speedster