virithos: Tuft of river edge plants
virithos: Storm missed us, but we could see it
virithos: Sunset over lake Itasca
virithos: Clouds the first night were putting on a show
virithos: Wild rose with bee
virithos: Tree
virithos: White flowers
virithos: Root buddies
virithos: Lady slipper!
virithos: Garden tiger caterpillar, will be beautiful as a butterfly
virithos: I feel really fancy camp cooking with two burners
virithos: Lady slippers
virithos: Rainbow in camp!
virithos: Larry (3 year old male) wants into the bear box all our food is in
virithos: Bear trying to get into bear box once he'd tipped it
virithos: Bear checking to see if we'd left food on the table
virithos: Snapping turtle
virithos: Bear knocked over the bear box!
virithos: Bear tasted the dish tub
virithos: Charging station
virithos: Elk Lake with family of geese
virithos: Red spotted admiral
virithos: Lady slippers
virithos: So many lady slippers!
virithos: Itasca
virithos: DSCF1301
virithos: DSCF1331
virithos: DSCF1380
virithos: DSCF1382
virithos: DSCF1384