Bioversity International: Farmers evaluating traits of wheat varieties, Ethiopia
Bioversity International: Wheat variety in a field trial, Ethiopia
Bioversity International: Farmers evaluating traits of wheat varieties, Ethiopia
Bioversity International: Farmers evaluating traits of wheat varieties, Ethiopia
Bioversity International: Wheat varieties in a field trial, Ethiopia
Bioversity International: Farmers evaluating traits of wheat varieties, Ethiopia
Bioversity International: Wheat variety in a field trial, Ethiopia
Bioversity International: Farmers evaluating traits of wheat varieties, Ethiopia
Bioversity International: Sorghum varieties in Tanzania
Bioversity International: Sorghum varieties in Tanzania
Bioversity International: Focus discussion group with farmers in Tanzania
Bioversity International: Interview with participating farmer in Tanzania
Bioversity International: Installing iButton weather sensors in farmers' fields
Bioversity International: Using mobile technology to give feedback about the crop trials
Bioversity International: Researcher observing wheat variety, Ethiopia
Bioversity International: More and more farmers have access to mobil technology in East Africa
Bioversity International: Farmers giving feedback to researchers about durum wheat varieties, Ethiopia
Bioversity International: Farmers evaluate wheat grains during participatory trials, Ethiopia
Bioversity International: Farmers giving feedback to researchers about their preferred traits of durum wheat varieties, Ethiopia
Bioversity International: Farmers evaluate wheat grains during participatory trials, Ethiopia
Bioversity International: Focus group discussion with farmers (seed bags in foreground), Ethiopia
Bioversity International: Farmers giving feedback to researchers about their preferred traits of durum wheat varieties, Ethiopia
Bioversity International: Labelling seed storage jars during construction of community seedbank, Ethiopia
Bioversity International: Informational posters in new community seedbank, Ethiopia
Bioversity International: New community seedbank in Ethiopia
Bioversity International: Farmer with his phone, Gere Gera (Woldya region), Ethiopia
Bioversity International: Farmer explains how he set up his trial field, Hombolo, Tanzania
Bioversity International: Extension officer and farmers evaluating sorghum varieties in Hombolo, Tanzania