Bioversity International: Garcinia Indica
Bioversity International: Women making syrup
Bioversity International: Traditional Dance
Bioversity International: Mother and Child
Bioversity International: Yenki Siddhi
Bioversity International: Scientist with children
Bioversity International: Ficus Tsjhela
Bioversity International: Women of Western Ghats, india
Bioversity International: Young Man during a harvest of fruit in Western Ghats, India.
Bioversity International: Women of the Western Ghats during a fruit harvest, India
Bioversity International: Garcinia Tree, Western Ghats, India
Bioversity International: Forest near a local village in the Western Ghats, India
Bioversity International: Women and child during a fruit harvest in Western Ghats, India
Bioversity International: Man Harvesting Garcinia indica from the forest near his village, Western Ghats, India
Bioversity International: Women of Western Ghats during fruit harvest, India
Bioversity International: Women of Western Ghats during fruit harvest, India
Bioversity International: Picking garcinia indica from trees in the forest near local village of Western Ghats, India
Bioversity International: Groups from villages walking to a fruit harvest, Western Ghats, India
Bioversity International: Mother and Child, Western Ghats, India
Bioversity International: Young Girl from African tribe in Western Ghats, India
Bioversity International: Young Girl from African descended tribe, Western Ghats, India