Bioversity International: Farmers registering for Farmers' field day, India
Bioversity International: Women registering for Farmers' field Day, India
Bioversity International: Former Lt. Governor of Delhi blesses the Farmers' field day, India
Bioversity International: Honourable guests and hosts at Farmers' field day, India
Bioversity International: Participants at farmers' field day in Bihar, India
Bioversity International: Participants at farmers' field day in Bihar, India
Bioversity International: Farmers sharing their experiences at Farmers' field day, India
Bioversity International: Bioversity International's Seeds for Needs India team with former Lt. Governor of Delhi, Tejendra Khanna
Bioversity International: Seed production training, India
Bioversity International: Identifying off-types during seed production training workshop, India
Bioversity International: Identifying obnoxious weeds during seed production training, India
Bioversity International: One of wheat varieties from trial (showing grains), India
Bioversity International: Seed production workshop, India
Bioversity International: Handing out seed production flyer during training workshop, India
Bioversity International: Visit to wheat field trial with 20 wheat varieties, India
Bioversity International: Visting farmer wheat trials, India
Bioversity International: Farmer evaluating wheat varieties during field visit to trials, India
Bioversity International: Farmers observing wheat varieties, India
Bioversity International: Farmer showing his field trial, India