biosynthesis24: New American Ideal
biosynthesis24: Magnificent mile
biosynthesis24: Brick and white sky
biosynthesis24: Aged brick, fine like wine
biosynthesis24: Rounded brick
biosynthesis24: Across main street
biosynthesis24: Bank of Charles Town
biosynthesis24: Looking upwards, aspiring higher
biosynthesis24: Courthouse on lower II
biosynthesis24: Courthouse on lower
biosynthesis24: Courthouse on high
biosynthesis24: Fresh cut flowers for the romantics among us...
biosynthesis24: Down the Blvd.
biosynthesis24: Sun hiding behind the structure
biosynthesis24: Backstein mitdem man bauen kann
biosynthesis24: Brick does a body good
biosynthesis24: Brick aligned
biosynthesis24: Nearing sunset
biosynthesis24: Courthouse in the lime light
biosynthesis24: Side of town hall II
biosynthesis24: Side of town hall
biosynthesis24: Bric-a-brac
biosynthesis24: Wonderful brick residence
biosynthesis24: Patriotism to town and country