biosynthesis24: Leafroller binding a leaf together
biosynthesis24: Leafhoppers pretending to be spines on a bush
biosynthesis24: Asparagus beetle eggs
biosynthesis24: Elm tree
biosynthesis24: Glow of the herbaceous layer
biosynthesis24: Leafminer on the loose
biosynthesis24: It grows ever darker
biosynthesis24: Freed to hike
biosynthesis24: Forest trail
biosynthesis24: Light kissing the ground goodbye
biosynthesis24: Light filtering through the canopy
biosynthesis24: Suffused glow in the evening
biosynthesis24: Walking near dusk
biosynthesis24: Forest wanderings
biosynthesis24: Undergrowth
biosynthesis24: Hiding in the shade
biosynthesis24: Sun playing one last time in the grass
biosynthesis24: Sun from an angle
biosynthesis24: Last light takes a bite
biosynthesis24: Exiting Ted Black Woods
biosynthesis24: Beautiful fungi
biosynthesis24: Fungus in a group
biosynthesis24: Fungus alone
biosynthesis24: Darkness spreading
biosynthesis24: Sun has set, I do bet
biosynthesis24: Looking skywards
biosynthesis24: Vine makes its way up a trunk
biosynthesis24: Blurry recompense
biosynthesis24: Lovely light