biosynthesis24: Root masses
biosynthesis24: Empty beach, save for myself
biosynthesis24: Foggy encounters of the dune kind
biosynthesis24: Misty dunes
biosynthesis24: Misty morning
biosynthesis24: Foggy lake II
biosynthesis24: Foggy lake I
biosynthesis24: Dynamism
biosynthesis24: Shadows starting to be cast
biosynthesis24: Sun peaking through the fog
biosynthesis24: Dramatic sky
biosynthesis24: Magnificence
biosynthesis24: On the dunes
biosynthesis24: Going down II
biosynthesis24: Going down
biosynthesis24: Rejoicing at the beauty
biosynthesis24: Clouds about to part
biosynthesis24: Hiking along the dune tops
biosynthesis24: Clinging to the sandy surface
biosynthesis24: Once a grass, always in the past
biosynthesis24: Soft lighting
biosynthesis24: Clouds make it hazy near the top of the dunes
biosynthesis24: Jumble of trunks
biosynthesis24: Looking back at the forest
biosynthesis24: Looking towards the lake, just over the hill top
biosynthesis24: Fallen tree II
biosynthesis24: Fallen tree
biosynthesis24: Deadwood, still standing
biosynthesis24: Distant waters
biosynthesis24: There's the water!