biosynthesis24: Sitting around the fire
biosynthesis24: The gang by the fire II
biosynthesis24: Into the Kentucky Jungle
biosynthesis24: Fog-like inversion
biosynthesis24: Swee with moscotto
biosynthesis24: Throwing the sofa into the fire IV
biosynthesis24: Crow bars come in handy
biosynthesis24: Sarah watches and waits
biosynthesis24: Roar of the fire II
biosynthesis24: Smoke and fire!
biosynthesis24: Team effort V
biosynthesis24: Disassembling the couch IV
biosynthesis24: Working on the sofa
biosynthesis24: Into the Kentucky wilderness
biosynthesis24: Staring down the couch
biosynthesis24: In the beginning, there was a couch
biosynthesis24: Alex hidden behind a tree
biosynthesis24: Alex & I in the Great Smoky Mountains!
biosynthesis24: Alex & I in the Great Smoky Mountains!
biosynthesis24: Alex at the stream in the Smokys
biosynthesis24: Alex and I at the Prong River
biosynthesis24: Alex making a pumpkin angel
biosynthesis24: Kentucky Sunset I
biosynthesis24: Top of the garage
biosynthesis24: Smoke emanating
biosynthesis24: Catching fire
biosynthesis24: Remnants of the sofa
biosynthesis24: Verna good swee
biosynthesis24: Chip swee