biosynthesis24: The cliffs are a little farther away
biosynthesis24: By the cliffs
biosynthesis24: Saguaro standing tall
biosynthesis24: Emily dwarfed by a Sagauro
biosynthesis24: Not so far off mountains
biosynthesis24: Prickly pear cactus
biosynthesis24: Tree before the cliff
biosynthesis24: Puddle of water in the desert
biosynthesis24: Cholla and mountain fun
biosynthesis24: Barren rock
biosynthesis24: On the lamb
biosynthesis24: Sagauro hugging itself II
biosynthesis24: Saguaro hugging itself
biosynthesis24: Fingers protruding out into the sky
biosynthesis24: Shaded II
biosynthesis24: Shaded I
biosynthesis24: Up the rocky slope
biosynthesis24: Mountains in the distance
biosynthesis24: Rocking out
biosynthesis24: Mosses and plants
biosynthesis24: Up on the rooftop
biosynthesis24: Gold Canyon
biosynthesis24: Mostly shaded but some sun present
biosynthesis24: Rocky and colored textures
biosynthesis24: In the shaded side of the mountain
biosynthesis24: Emily on the trial
biosynthesis24: Looking into the sun
biosynthesis24: Cholla fun
biosynthesis24: Cactus in the sunlight