biosynthesis24: The sofa ablaze
biosynthesis24: Unknown caterpillar
biosynthesis24: Harlequin bug nymphs II
biosynthesis24: Wooly Bear II
biosynthesis24: Wooly Bear
biosynthesis24: Fried Green Tomatoes
biosynthesis24: Parasitized Manduca sextra by an ectoparasitoid Braconid wasp
biosynthesis24: Manduca sexta parasitized by an ectoparasitoid Braconid wasp
biosynthesis24: Deciding what to do with the sofa
biosynthesis24: Deciding what to do with the sofa II
biosynthesis24: Into the Kentucky wilderness
biosynthesis24: Walking around the couch to get a better angle
biosynthesis24: Tap, tap
biosynthesis24: Staring down the couch
biosynthesis24: In the beginning, there was a couch
biosynthesis24: Handing off the tools of the trade
biosynthesis24: Working on the sofa
biosynthesis24: Axe into the sofa
biosynthesis24: Crow in the bow
biosynthesis24: Feasting upon the sofa
biosynthesis24: Sawing away
biosynthesis24: Lifting the couch
biosynthesis24: Lookin' like a fool with your pants on the ground
biosynthesis24: 1, 2, 3 and whack!
biosynthesis24: The sisters work together III
biosynthesis24: The sisters work together II
biosynthesis24: The sisters work together
biosynthesis24: Time to take down the couch
biosynthesis24: Alex working her magic
biosynthesis24: Wade going berserk II