biosynthesis24: Conjugation
biosynthesis24: Sassafras
biosynthesis24: Pollen for your thoughts
biosynthesis24: Hairy vetch
biosynthesis24: Sweat bee doing its thing
biosynthesis24: Beckoning to pollinators
biosynthesis24: Droplets of water after fresh rain
biosynthesis24: Magnificent pines in K's arboretum
biosynthesis24: Canopy above
biosynthesis24: Syrphid, flower fly pollination
biosynthesis24: Caught leaf
biosynthesis24: Small damselbug
biosynthesis24: Gold flower
biosynthesis24: Large hemipteran II
biosynthesis24: Large hemipteran
biosynthesis24: Mating beetles
biosynthesis24: Chafer beetle II
biosynthesis24: Chafer beetle
biosynthesis24: Pupating
biosynthesis24: Hiding beetle
biosynthesis24: Leaf spot
biosynthesis24: In the lycophyte forest
biosynthesis24: Painted turtle
biosynthesis24: Fuzzy wumpkin
biosynthesis24: Leaves with rust
biosynthesis24: Damselfly
biosynthesis24: Flowers and elm
biosynthesis24: Moth from afar
biosynthesis24: Damselfly green