biosynthesis24: Pinned specimens of asparagus miner and its parasitoids
biosynthesis24: "Now I know, I put it somewhere in here. Where could it be?" says the bee.
biosynthesis24: Ant enlarged
biosynthesis24: Ant and its trophobionts
biosynthesis24: Ant climbing over a burning bush
biosynthesis24: Ant checking out its surroundings
biosynthesis24: Fly resting on a leaf
biosynthesis24: Lady beetle on the prowl, ready to perform biological control
biosynthesis24: Ants tending aphids, their trophobionts
biosynthesis24: Lady beetle taking refuge
biosynthesis24: Insect at rest
biosynthesis24: Asparagus stem emerging from the ground
biosynthesis24: Close-up of the pipette tips
biosynthesis24: Pipette tips in the molecular laboratory
biosynthesis24: Robber fly on an asparagus stalk
biosynthesis24: Emerging asparagus
biosynthesis24: Asparagus miner perched on a stem
biosynthesis24: Asparagus miner from the side
biosynthesis24: Asparagus miner I
biosynthesis24: Common asparagus beetle
biosynthesis24: Lady beetle resting on a leaf
biosynthesis24: Small red spider
biosynthesis24: Assassin bug
biosynthesis24: Poifect flower
biosynthesis24: Flowers near the ground
biosynthesis24: Ants communicating with each other
biosynthesis24: Ant going about its foraging task, on the lookout for aphids
biosynthesis24: Green aphids
biosynthesis24: Weedy, but flowering