biosynthesis24: Warmth beckons to the cold soul
biosynthesis24: Warm and fuzzy parenthouse in the winter
biosynthesis24: Incredible sunset
biosynthesis24: Sinful delights lay beyond
biosynthesis24: Along the fence line
biosynthesis24: Lighted up in the night
biosynthesis24: Like a lighthouse
biosynthesis24: SUV for those tough spots
biosynthesis24: Residence down the street
biosynthesis24: Neighboring residence
biosynthesis24: Night light
biosynthesis24: The air is thick
biosynthesis24: The ground is laden
biosynthesis24: The boughs are heavy
biosynthesis24: Snow, you know
biosynthesis24: Snow covered eden
biosynthesis24: Drooping seed pods
biosynthesis24: Cattails in Winter
biosynthesis24: Parenthouse in Winter III
biosynthesis24: Parenthouse in Winter II
biosynthesis24: Parenthouse in Winter
biosynthesis24: Barren trees
biosynthesis24: Snowy roadways
biosynthesis24: Cut branch
biosynthesis24: Snow covered bark
biosynthesis24: Sun filtering through the evergreens
biosynthesis24: Ted Black Woods VI
biosynthesis24: Ted Black Woods V
biosynthesis24: Red wood
biosynthesis24: Bench to moisten your pants