biosynthesis24: Grasses aplenty
biosynthesis24: Simple and austere
biosynthesis24: Layers upon layers of red
biosynthesis24: Neat portrait
biosynthesis24: Geology in action
biosynthesis24: Humbled by the grace of the planet
biosynthesis24: Red rock surrounds the talk
biosynthesis24: Llama in Monument Valley II
biosynthesis24: Llama in Monument Valley
biosynthesis24: Me in Monument Valley III
biosynthesis24: Me in Monument Valley II
biosynthesis24: Me in Monument Valley
biosynthesis24: The View Hotel
biosynthesis24: Vast reaches of the desert
biosynthesis24: King's throne
biosynthesis24: Orange sand
biosynthesis24: Mesas and plateaus in the distance
biosynthesis24: Standing on the plains of existance
biosynthesis24: On top of the world
biosynthesis24: Over the ridge lies more geological wonders II
biosynthesis24: Over the ridge lies more geological wonders
biosynthesis24: Sportin' the Honda in the desert deep
biosynthesis24: Deadwood in a harsh environment
biosynthesis24: Utah wilderness
biosynthesis24: Deadwood frame
biosynthesis24: Deadwood
biosynthesis24: Rising from the floor
biosynthesis24: Salt line in the desert
biosynthesis24: Salt in the desert