biosynthesis24: Along Sand Harbor Beach
biosynthesis24: Waterfalls
biosynthesis24: Boulders abound
biosynthesis24: Rising above the lake shore
biosynthesis24: Pine side
biosynthesis24: Wonderful stew
biosynthesis24: Spectacular views
biosynthesis24: Trees and boulders
biosynthesis24: untitled
biosynthesis24: Bisected
biosynthesis24: Looking down the slope
biosynthesis24: At the base of a very large tree
biosynthesis24: Pine scent from the lake to the nostril
biosynthesis24: Pious pine
biosynthesis24: Heaven on earth
biosynthesis24: Texture on the rockface
biosynthesis24: Emerald Bay II
biosynthesis24: Emerald Bay
biosynthesis24: Pining for a conifer
biosynthesis24: Granite upon granite upon xylem and phloem
biosynthesis24: Sun through the canopy
biosynthesis24: Twin pines
biosynthesis24: Fisheyeing it
biosynthesis24: Isle in Lake Tahoe II
biosynthesis24: Home to a nutcase
biosynthesis24: Isle in Lake Tahoe