biosynthesis24: Church where Jenn and Raff had their ceremony
biosynthesis24: Dusk graces Italy
biosynthesis24: Dusk lighting on the hotel
biosynthesis24: Rooms listed alphabetically by flower
biosynthesis24: Courtyard of the hotel
biosynthesis24: Ghost of Meike swimming
biosynthesis24: Looking towards the countryside and sunset
biosynthesis24: Pablo with his newfangled dohickey
biosynthesis24: Enjoying the cooling summer evenings
biosynthesis24: Swimming pool on the premises
biosynthesis24: 'Saur chillaxing by the pool
biosynthesis24: Furitively taking pictures by night
biosynthesis24: One of the (many) reception halls for the wedding.
biosynthesis24: Which is the path less traveled by? Both look equally well-traveled.
biosynthesis24: Lushly green tree that intends to free
biosynthesis24: Agricultural lands in a mediterranean climate
biosynthesis24: Road leading to the hotel
biosynthesis24: Landscape directly outside the hotel
biosynthesis24: Wall, tree and gate
biosynthesis24: Gateway to the outside world
biosynthesis24: Gates to the hotel that I stayed out; we were locked in at night it seems
biosynthesis24: Near the house of Raff's mom
biosynthesis24: Pablo y Meike
biosynthesis24: 'Saurs, one with a crooked tie
biosynthesis24: The church where Jenn and Raff had their wedding!
biosynthesis24: Deconstructing Christianity
biosynthesis24: Pablo with some wise guys
biosynthesis24: Church was located in a part of Gravina that was so new that it lacked proper roads
biosynthesis24: New fangled scaffolding
biosynthesis24: Beautiful bouquet