biosynthesis24: Fireworks and the Lansing City Market
biosynthesis24: Tourist Mecca? Perhaps, not.
biosynthesis24: Lansing Center
biosynthesis24: Lansing City Market Sign
biosynthesis24: Downtown Lansing
biosynthesis24: Setting light on the tree
biosynthesis24: Smoke stack can give one a heart attack
biosynthesis24: Soft blue hues and deep orange brick
biosynthesis24: The moon!
biosynthesis24: Fisheye river front
biosynthesis24: Lansing Market
biosynthesis24: Old Midwestern domicle
biosynthesis24: Red and blue light reflecting
biosynthesis24: Sidewalk adjacent the river
biosynthesis24: Light on the water
biosynthesis24: Dusk on the river
biosynthesis24: Parking structure
biosynthesis24: Mostly river
biosynthesis24: Ribbon sculpture and downtown Lansing
biosynthesis24: Board walk
biosynthesis24: Tree at dusk in B & W
biosynthesis24: Shooting star, or fireworks?
biosynthesis24: Larger kapow
biosynthesis24: Smaller kapow
biosynthesis24: Along the river walk
biosynthesis24: Fireworks by their lonesome self
biosynthesis24: Near the apartment complex
biosynthesis24: Fireworks du jour!