biosynthesis24: Rooted in the biological community
biosynthesis24: Cradled by the roots II
biosynthesis24: Emily for scale
biosynthesis24: We've got a winner!
biosynthesis24: Emily treading cautiously
biosynthesis24: Picture in error, but funny nevertheless
biosynthesis24: Couple by falls II
biosynthesis24: Inspecting the photographer
biosynthesis24: Inspecting the waterfalls
biosynthesis24: Lush forest
biosynthesis24: Path of least resistance
biosynthesis24: Rickety bridge
biosynthesis24: Going with the flow
biosynthesis24: Almost finger-like
biosynthesis24: Cedars protecting the path
biosynthesis24: Zoomed in
biosynthesis24: Trees jostling to be the next to jut into the canopy
biosynthesis24: Recently fallen tree
biosynthesis24: Look at those roots!
biosynthesis24: Peeling bark like never before seen
biosynthesis24: Lush and verdant
biosynthesis24: Resting in the shade afforded by the giving tree
biosynthesis24: Tripartite
biosynthesis24: Speedy agua fria
biosynthesis24: Disorderly bunch of roots
biosynthesis24: Soil eroded away
biosynthesis24: Whispy with time
biosynthesis24: Obstruction
biosynthesis24: Cascading down the falls III
biosynthesis24: Cliffs towering over river