biosynthesis24: Emiswee waiting her turn
biosynthesis24: Mackinaw Harbor II
biosynthesis24: Emerald green waters
biosynthesis24: Mackinaw Harbor
biosynthesis24: Ferry to take us from the mainland to the island
biosynthesis24: Lonely purple flowers
biosynthesis24: Shepler's ferry is the one we used!
biosynthesis24: Mackinac Bridge
biosynthesis24: Mainland Michigan
biosynthesis24: Governor's summer residence
biosynthesis24: Lighthouse off the coast
biosynthesis24: Star Line is the ferry we chose not to take
biosynthesis24: Approaching Mackinac Island
biosynthesis24: Heading for port
biosynthesis24: Historic Town of Mackinac
biosynthesis24: Blue waters look delightful
biosynthesis24: Mackinac Island Harbor II
biosynthesis24: Mackinac Island Harbor
biosynthesis24: Sky Blue House
biosynthesis24: Downtown on the island
biosynthesis24: Old Mansion
biosynthesis24: Convocade
biosynthesis24: Main drag
biosynthesis24: Purple accents
biosynthesis24: Ryba's Fudge Shop
biosynthesis24: Burst of color in the town
biosynthesis24: Arnold Transit Co.
biosynthesis24: Mackinac Island Visitor's Info
biosynthesis24: Fort Mackinac
biosynthesis24: Along the harbor on the island