biosynthesis24: Christmas shelf
biosynthesis24: Neighborhood
biosynthesis24: Parking garage
biosynthesis24: Green silloheutte
biosynthesis24: Rounded building
biosynthesis24: Mill Avenue
biosynthesis24: Lighted tree
biosynthesis24: Dunkin' Donuts
biosynthesis24: Artsy Theatre
biosynthesis24: Plaza del Mar
biosynthesis24: Down a back alley of Tempe
biosynthesis24: Bank in a desert with a palm
biosynthesis24: P.F. Changs
biosynthesis24: Llama waiting for Chinese food
biosynthesis24: Urban Outfitters
biosynthesis24: Mood Swing Salon II
biosynthesis24: Mood Swings Salon I
biosynthesis24: Lighted outline of an office building
biosynthesis24: Llama, raby and Greg
biosynthesis24: Light rail tracks
biosynthesis24: Fountain in a plaza
biosynthesis24: Drinking fountain for those thirsty souls waiting for the train
biosynthesis24: Travelling at the speed of light