biosynthesis24: Old tyme mortgages
biosynthesis24: Raby's curtain
biosynthesis24: Contemplative llama
biosynthesis24: Three little birdies sitting on a wall
biosynthesis24: Domestic bliss, the store!
biosynthesis24: Light off, sun on
biosynthesis24: Consumerism run amok (or perhaps standing amok)
biosynthesis24: Statue and Pillar
biosynthesis24: Llama and raby
biosynthesis24: Llama and the lobster
biosynthesis24: Main drag in Mesa
biosynthesis24: Funky colors
biosynthesis24: Tribue sells truth, according to this statue!
biosynthesis24: Hi, Pigeon!
biosynthesis24: Sheep knows what's up
biosynthesis24: Digital marquee
biosynthesis24: Lines paralell and converging
biosynthesis24: Mission III
biosynthesis24: Overall complex
biosynthesis24: Blue stone and tree
biosynthesis24: A glorified potter
biosynthesis24: Reflections and light
biosynthesis24: Courtyard and performing space for Mesa Arts Center
biosynthesis24: White stone and tree
biosynthesis24: Glass box aglow
biosynthesis24: Mesa Arts Center
biosynthesis24: Sky is pretty, and metal wires are less so