biosynthesis24: Impressions of a Bavarian Town
biosynthesis24: Clinging to land, lest the water wash thee away
biosynthesis24: Rose Garden
biosynthesis24: A Sad History
biosynthesis24: Gott sei Dank, dass ich in Bayern bin!
biosynthesis24: Franziskaner, anyone?
biosynthesis24: On a slant
biosynthesis24: Imagining direct, participatory democracy...
biosynthesis24: Main drag of Bad Toelz
biosynthesis24: Intricate Facade
biosynthesis24: Fountain in Main Square
biosynthesis24: Bridging the Isar River
biosynthesis24: Slender snaking rail slithering yonder!
biosynthesis24: Tracht shop...
biosynthesis24: Franziskaner Kloster
biosynthesis24: Firmly attached
biosynthesis24: Archway beckoning entrance
biosynthesis24: Hints of a flowery garden
biosynthesis24: Rest thy weary feet...
biosynthesis24: Afloat among colors and vague shapes
biosynthesis24: Welcoming convalesence
biosynthesis24: Imparied sensory organs
biosynthesis24: Deceased Priests
biosynthesis24: Lithostructure with Organocomponents
biosynthesis24: Translucent Fountain
biosynthesis24: Infront of the Tourism Centrale
biosynthesis24: This makes me naseous just looking at it!
biosynthesis24: Abutting the Isar
biosynthesis24: Rickety rocky shores