biosynthesis24: Shielded from the UV
biosynthesis24: Unusual formation
biosynthesis24: Root bursting from the seams!
biosynthesis24: Rigorous maintainence of the lawn
biosynthesis24: Green Euphoria
biosynthesis24: Trouncing around the Englischer Garten
biosynthesis24: The tree bent its back...
biosynthesis24: Herbaceous goodness
biosynthesis24: Through the branches, onto the floor
biosynthesis24: Still Waters
biosynthesis24: Personifying nature...
biosynthesis24: Wind to thy leaves
biosynthesis24: Hot summer's eve
biosynthesis24: Tilting into the river
biosynthesis24: On the embankment
biosynthesis24: Split at the base, twins apart
biosynthesis24: Tree of Imagination
biosynthesis24: Branches hanging overhead
biosynthesis24: In a copse, in the beginning of a clearing...
biosynthesis24: Gracefully leaning to the side
biosynthesis24: At its apogee