biosynthesis24: Top of the Building
biosynthesis24: Clinging vines, etching a niche
biosynthesis24: Gathering forces above, stable forces below
biosynthesis24: Pond to refill the containers for watering the graves
biosynthesis24: Ed, the talking horse?
biosynthesis24: Shining into the Summer Sky
biosynthesis24: Cross, still standing tall and recalcitrant
biosynthesis24: Masoleum
biosynthesis24: Woodstock? Perhaps not...
biosynthesis24: Walking along the border...
biosynthesis24: Copper Ball
biosynthesis24: "I Shall Watch Over Thee..."
biosynthesis24: Alight with energy
biosynthesis24: Light permeates...
biosynthesis24: Ein Blumenstrauss fuer dich?
biosynthesis24: School in the Naehe
biosynthesis24: Ripple sky, vibrant building