bioprof52: Canyon wall near entran e to Antisana Ecological Reserve, Ecuador. Andean condors perch on these walls. Can you see them.
bioprof52: Rainbow over paramo, the above treeline habitat in the high elevation areas of Ecuador.
bioprof52: Plumbeous sierra-finch, on the paramo at the Antisana Ecological Reserve, Ecuador
bioprof52: Lonely road across the paramo, the high elevation, above treeline habitat in the Antisana Ecological Reserve of Ecuador.
bioprof52: Carunculated caracara on the paramo at the Antisana Ecological Reserve, Ecuador
bioprof52: Lake Micacocha in the mist, Antisana Ecological Reserve, Ecuador
bioprof52: Highlands in the Antisana Ecological Reserve. On a clear day the Antisana volcano would be visible in the background.
bioprof52: Many-striped canastero on the paramo at the Antisana Ecological Reserve, Ecuador
bioprof52: Many-striped canastero, Antisana Ecological Reserve, Ecuador
bioprof52: Corunculated caracara on the paramo at the Antisana Ecological Reerve, Eccuador.
bioprof52: Cabin on the paramo, Antisana Ecol9gical Reserve
bioprof52: Looking into the condor canyon and into the valley where the city of Quito, Ecuador is located.
bioprof52: Andean condor on canyon wall near the Antisana Ecological Reserve, Ecuador