Ephemeral Scraps: Railway Urinals
Ephemeral Scraps: Barium Platinum Cyanide Screens and Fluoroscopes
Ephemeral Scraps: The Household Syringe
Ephemeral Scraps: Fracture Bed
Ephemeral Scraps: Stomach pump, aspirator, and enema syringe.
Ephemeral Scraps: Embalming Syringe
Ephemeral Scraps: Bullet Removal Devices
Ephemeral Scraps: Ether Respirator
Ephemeral Scraps: Union Undergarments
Ephemeral Scraps: Packer's Tar Soap Advert
Ephemeral Scraps: Barry's Tricopherous for the Hair and Skin
Ephemeral Scraps: Rubifoam Tooth Powder
Ephemeral Scraps: Invisible Sound Discs
Ephemeral Scraps: Pear's Soap
Ephemeral Scraps: Dr. Lyon's Perfect Tooth Powder
Ephemeral Scraps: Cuticura Soap
Ephemeral Scraps: The Queen of Union Undergarments
Ephemeral Scraps: Lacto-Preperata and Carrick's Food
Ephemeral Scraps: Solid advice for the drinker...
Ephemeral Scraps: Campbell X-Ray and High Frequency Apparatus
Ephemeral Scraps: X-Ray Tube - Now portable!
Ephemeral Scraps: The Electric Chair
Ephemeral Scraps: Crosby's Vitalized Phos-phites
Ephemeral Scraps: "Female Wafers"
Ephemeral Scraps: Corrective Orthopedic Shoe
Ephemeral Scraps: Corrective orthopedic shoe
Ephemeral Scraps: Hypodermic Syringe Set
Ephemeral Scraps: Inhaling Apparatus
Ephemeral Scraps: Atomizer