BioKnowlogy: Astrology 001 - Al-biruni Lunar Mansions
BioKnowlogy: Astrology 002 - Zubdat al tawarykh_map
BioKnowlogy: Astrology 003 - The Constellations - 9th century
BioKnowlogy: Astrology 004 - Venus, Mercury and Moon
BioKnowlogy: Astrology 005 - Zodiac Man 1 - 1408
BioKnowlogy: Astrology 006 - Zodiac Man 2 - 1415
BioKnowlogy: Astrology 007 - Zodiac Man 3 - 1440
BioKnowlogy: Astrology 008 - Computus Diagram
BioKnowlogy: Astrology 009 - Spanish Gemini
BioKnowlogy: Astrology 010 - Under the Weather - 1626
BioKnowlogy: Astrology 011 - Diagram of the Sky
BioKnowlogy: Astrology 012 - Sun and Lunar Mansions - Persia - 17th century
BioKnowlogy: Astrology 013 - Atlas Coelestis
BioKnowlogy: Astrology 014 - Zodiac Man 4 - 1488
BioKnowlogy: Astrology 015 - Zodiac Man 5 - 1646
BioKnowlogy: Astrology 016 - Celestial Influx on Man - 1810
BioKnowlogy: Astrology 017 - Celestial Influx on Woman - 1810
BioKnowlogy: Astrology 018 - Moon in Cancer - 14th Century
BioKnowlogy: Astrology 019 - Islamic Celestial Star Map - 1840
BioKnowlogy: Astrology 020 - Ceiling Painting_munich
BioKnowlogy: Astrology 021 - Chart showing the Constellations Draco and Ursa Minor - 1825
BioKnowlogy: Astrology 022 - Chart showing the Constellation Cassiopeia - 1825
BioKnowlogy: Astrology 023 - Chart showing the Constellation Cepheus - 1825
BioKnowlogy: Astrology 024 - Chart showing the Constellation Auriga - 1825
BioKnowlogy: Astrology 025 - Chart showing the Constellation Ursa Major - 1825
BioKnowlogy: Astrology 026 - Chart showing the Constellations Taurus et al. - 1825
BioKnowlogy: Astrology 027 - Zodiac Man 6 - Undated
BioKnowlogy: Astrology 028 - Zodiac Man 7 - 14th century
BioKnowlogy: Astrology 029 - Chart showing the Constellations Delphinus et al. - 1825
BioKnowlogy: Astrology 030 - Chart showing the Constellation Virgo - 1825