abiodork: PPD 223
abiodork: Hard to Park
abiodork: Minnesota Atheists Play Ball
abiodork: Warm Up
abiodork: Game Assistants
abiodork: Stretches along the Left Field Line
abiodork: The Visiting Team
abiodork: Wetting the Field
abiodork: Watching the Stretches
abiodork: Dave Silverman takes the mound.
abiodork: The First Pitch
abiodork: Face Painter
abiodork: At the Game
abiodork: The Pitch
abiodork: Between Inning Antics
abiodork: Swing
abiodork: Ready for the Hit
abiodork: Next at Bat
abiodork: Pabst Mural
abiodork: Between Inning Entertainment
abiodork: Ready
abiodork: An Aint
abiodork: Watching the Game
abiodork: Minnesota Atheists Welcome Table
abiodork: Soles 4 Souls Donation
abiodork: Section 112
abiodork: Young Crew This Year
abiodork: Pre-Game Games
abiodork: CHS Field sign
abiodork: Warm up