bio_grrl: Roof ornamentation
bio_grrl: The El
bio_grrl: Chicago had lots of neat buildings downtown
bio_grrl: more Chicago buildings
bio_grrl: cool amphitheater
bio_grrl: Skyline and swoopy metal thing
bio_grrl: Art Institute of Chicago and Lake Michigan
bio_grrl: Downtown Chicago
bio_grrl: Train travel!
bio_grrl: rocks & pines
bio_grrl: Train ride through the Rockies
bio_grrl: Rocky Mountains
bio_grrl: Mountain stream
bio_grrl: Pretty mountains, sad dead trees
bio_grrl: Rafters
bio_grrl: Erosion is awesome
bio_grrl: Cliffs in Utah
bio_grrl: Stream through the Sierra Nevada
bio_grrl: From the viewing car
bio_grrl: Donner pass in the Sierra Nevada