bio_grrl: golden valley, golden hills
bio_grrl: tire tracks in wildflowers
bio_grrl: Goldfields in the cracked ground
bio_grrl: Soda Lake
bio_grrl: Tidy tips
bio_grrl: carpets of tidy tips
bio_grrl: edge of the "lake"
bio_grrl: heroic flower
bio_grrl: heroic flower 2
bio_grrl: Arm's-length portrait by the salt flats
bio_grrl: A festival of fiddlenecks
bio_grrl: tarantula!
bio_grrl: tarantula from overhead
bio_grrl: Geology in action at Wallace Creek
bio_grrl: Clouds over Carrizo
bio_grrl: A geeky interlude amongst the flowers
bio_grrl: Foreground fiddlenecks
bio_grrl: Shining hills and looming cloud
bio_grrl: White cliffs, golden hills, green valley
bio_grrl: Many hues of spring