bindonlane: SNCF série Z 24500 TER2N NG EMU set no. 385 and SNCB / NMBS AM96 no. 444, Lille Flandres
bindonlane: SNCF série B 82500 AGC unit no. B 82699, Lille Flandres
bindonlane: SNCF série BB 25500 no. 525649, Lille Flandres
bindonlane: SNCF série Z 24500 TER2N NG EMU set no. 380, Lille Flandres
bindonlane: SNCF série BB 25500 no. 525660, Lille Flandres
bindonlane: SNCF série BB 25500 no. 525649, Lille Flandres
bindonlane: SNCF série Z 24500 TER2N NG EMU set no. 385 (?), Lille Flandres
bindonlane: SNCF Regional Eurostar set no. 3301, Lille Flandres
bindonlane: SNCF série Z 23500 EMU set no. 517B, Lille Flandres
bindonlane: SNCF série Z 24500 TER2N NG EMU set no. 381, Lille Flandres
bindonlane: SNCF série Z 23500 EMU set no. 542B, Lille Flandres
bindonlane: SNCB AM96 EMU no. 483 and SNCF série Z 23500 set no. 542B, Lille Flandres
bindonlane: SNCF série B 82500 AGC unit no. B 82748, Bailleul (Nord)
bindonlane: SNCF série B 82500 AGC unit no. B 82695, Bailleul (Nord)
bindonlane: SNCF série Z 24500 TER2N NG EMU set no. 375, Bailleul (Nord)
bindonlane: SNCB AM96 EMU no. 468, Lille Flandres
bindonlane: SNCF série Z 23500 EMU set no. 565B, Lille Flandres
bindonlane: SNCF Regional Eurostar set no. 3309 and TGV DAYSE set no. 748, Lille Flandres
bindonlane: SNCF série Z 23500 EMU set no. 562B, Lille Flandres
bindonlane: SNCF série B 82500 AGC unit no. B 82741, Lille Flandres
bindonlane: SNCF série BB 25500 locomotive no. 525660, Lille Flandres
bindonlane: SNCF TGV DAYSE set no. 748, Lille-Flandres
bindonlane: SNCF série BB 25500, no. 525660, Lille Flandres
bindonlane: SNCF série X 76500 AGC DMU no. X 76722, Lille Flandres
bindonlane: SNCF série Z 24500 TER2N NG EMU set no. 375, Lille Flandres
bindonlane: SNCB AM96 EMU no. 461, Lille Flandres
bindonlane: SNCF TGV-PSE (Paris Sud-Est) set no. 84, Lille-Flandres
bindonlane: SNCF série Z 24500 TER2N NG EMU set no. 381, Lille Flandres
bindonlane: SNCF série Z 23500 EMU set no. 542B, Lille Flandres
bindonlane: SNCF série Z 23500 EMU set no. 565B and SNCB AM96 EMU no. 489, Lille Flandres